Language Support
English is the main language at school
Your child is welcome in our school whether or not he or she can already communicate in English. Although English is the main language at school, we are aware that some students will not have the necessary fluency to understand all that is being said in the classroom. Because of this, we are prepared to provide the necessary language support for those who need it. The class teacher will provide this support within whole-group and individual lessons.
The school will collaborate with the parents, as partners in your child’s education. We will work closely with you to help your child transition into an English language learning environment. Should it be necessary, the teachers will initially learn basic vocabulary in your child’s main language of communication through your assistance. Knowing at least a few words will allow the teacher to make your child feel at ease, so please let us know if this is necessary before he/she begins studying at our school. We honour your child’s home language or mother-tongue. While you may like to practice English at home by talking about what was learned in school or by reading to your child in English, please don’t forget to read to your child in his or her home language or mother tongue! We encourage children to build and maintain their mother tongue at home, while also learning to speak English at school. On our part, we will create opportunities where your child can share his or her family and country culture through language, traditions, food and celebrations. This way, we can help your child settle in at school and make him or her feel at home.
Dutch Language Experience
We live in the Netherlands! What better way to learn a “foreign language” than to learn the language of the surrounding region. We would be remised if we did not take the opportunity to learn the language and culture of the region. On occasion, we will partner up with de Vrije school to enjoy some Waldorf traditional celebrations in The Netherlands. Sharing a common language will help unite the two schools. During their Dutch experience lessons, children will experience some of the richness of the Dutch traditions and culture through traditional folk songs, games and stories.